Ex. 60 days from print-Prints through Redplum
Located on Facebook-Click on the Coupon Tab
Scroll down and click on Print Coupon
The website states $1 but prints $2

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Thanks, SouthernSavers, Hip2Save, GoodDealMama, and Whomever left the comment!

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  1. EveIsAlwaysBusy Says:

    OMG!! This is a very **Hot** printable. These will be Free in most Grocery Stores being that some of the Instant Oatmeal is under $2 woohoo!!!

  2. Wanda Says:

    I was able /to print 2 of these. Expires 12/8/2010

  3. Steph Says:

    My mom will be jumping for joy! She lives off of Quaker Oats. She is thrilled when I give her $1 off. I can't wait to give here this one. :-)