Ex. 12-07-10-Ad prints after the coupon
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Thanks, MoneySavingMadness!
If you haven't printed these this month, you have a few days left in the month to get them printed.
$2 off any One Pull-Ups Training Pants Jumbo Pack or Larger
$1 off any One Package of PULL-UPS Flushable Moist Wipes
Scroll down to print the wipes coupon
Ex. 2 weeks from print
Ad prints after each of the coupons
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If the page won't load for you, try starting here. Scroll down and click "Save on Pull-Ups Training Pants."
Smartsource Coupon-Ex. 30 days from print
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Smartsource Coupon-Ex. 30 days from print-Top of the page
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Still available
$.55 Off Any One Package of Hillshire Farm Lit'l Smokies
$.75 off One Hillshire Farm CheddarWurst Smoked Sausage
An ad printed after both of these coupons-Ex. 30 days from print
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I was able to print one more copy of these coupons. I did not try the rebate forms again.
$.75 off one 12oz package of Butterball Turkey Bacon
$.75 off one package of Butterball Premium Turkey Franks
$.75 off one 14 oz package of Butterball Dinner Sausage
$1.50 off any one Butterball 1.5lb Fully Cooked Turkey Breast
$.75 off one package of Butterball Ground Turkey
$1 off any Butterball whole turkey, bone in breast, or boneless turkey roast product
Ex. approx. 5 weeks from print
2 Rebate forms
Buy one Butterball Frozen or Fresh Whole Turkey between 11-04-10 and 12-31-10 and receive 5 $1 coupons good on any Butter ball products
Buy any Butterball Fresh or Frozen Turkey plus Disney's A Christmas Carol or The Search for Santa Paws on BLU-RAY or DVD receive a $10 rebate (Ex. Jan. 31st)
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Ex. 11-30-10 (Very short Ex. date) - Ad prints after the coupon
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