Monday, November 2, 2009
$1 off One Bag of Nestle Jingles (any size)
$1 off One Bag of Wonka Holiday Mix-ups (any size)
EX. 02-04-10
You will need to log in or register
Banner on right hand side of the page
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Ex. 30 days from print
Review one of the meals and submit
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$1 off any one Alexia Crunchy Snacks
Ex. 01-10-10 (may be rolling)
Big ad prints after this one so print it alone and cancel if you can.
$1 off 2 Dole Salad Blends with the new Dole Salad Guide
EX. 01-31-10
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Dole Salad blends with a salad guide can be seen here. You can also play an instant win game to win free salads and other prizes. "Play to win free salad" on the Lower-left