$1.50 off any One Package of Keebler Wheatables Nut Crisps or Wheatables Crackers (8.5oz or larger-any flavor)
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Thanks, CommonSenseWithMoney and RoseKnowsCoupons!
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Ex. 12-31-10
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Ex. 06-02-10
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$1 off three Libby's Canned Vegetables (14.5oz or larger)
Ex. 07-06-10
Thanks, SavingAddiction!
Ex. 09-01-10
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$1 off any Evenflo Purely Comfi Bottle, Cozy Bottle, or Mimi Pacifier
$2 off Evenflo Smart Steps Infant Feeding Bowl or Snack Stackers
$2 off Evenflo Magic Labels (Dissolvable Food Storage Labels)
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$5 off any Evenflo Comfort Select Performance Breast Pump
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Ex. 05-20-10 (Rolling Ex. Date?)
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Thanks, Kerry at TotallyTarget!