There are reports that this may not be a legitimate offer. Pringles has not responded on their Facebook page as to whether it is legitimate or not. At this point, I would recommend that no one else request this coupon. If you were asked to download an application, you can remove it by following these instructions:

On the left side of your Facebook wall click on Account and select Applications from the drop down menu. Look for Pringles Extreme and click the X on the right to delete the application.

Fill out the form and submit
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
Request Coupon

Thanks, FreeSampleFeak and CommonSenseWithMoney!

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    I read on another blog that this is a scam. So it had instructions to go back and delete them off of facebook. dont know for sure?

  2. Steph Says:

    I checked their Facebook page and several people have asked them if it is a scan. They have not responded.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I used the coupon at WalMArt no problem.