Newly added
$.50 off any 4 any variety Yoplait Yogurt Cups (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, or Whips!) or any flavor Yoplait Original or Light Smoothie
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$.75 off two any flavor Yoplait products listed: Yoplait Gogurt Yogurt-Yoplait Trix Multipack Yogurt-Yoplait Splitz Yogurt
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Still available
$.50 off four any Variety Yoplait Yogurt Cups (includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, or Whips) OR any flavor Yoplait Original or Light Smoothie
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$.50 off four any Variety Yoplait Yogurt Cups (includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, or Whips) OR any flavor Yoplait Original or Light Smoothie
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$.50 off any flavor 32oz Yoplait Yogurt
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$.50 off any flavor Yoplait Kids Cup Yogurt
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  1. MichelleA Says:

    hey Steph, sorry to post it here but I lost the alternate email you gave me :(
    There is a Buy one get one free laughing cow (or mini babybel) cheese coupon here if you sign up:

    Exp's 10/31/10


  2. Steph Says:

    Thanks, Michelle! I am having internet problems today. I guess that goes with living in the middle of no where. :-) Email me at and I will send you the email again. Thanks again!