This coupon has never shown that it is out of prints. Is there anyone who did not print it and can tell me whether it is dead or not.

$1.50 off any one package of Gold'n Plump All Natural Chicken
Ex. 30 days from print-Ad prints after the coupon
Get Coupon

Thanks, MinnesotaCouponAdventure!
$1 off one package of Gold'n Plump EverydayEasy Chicken Patties
Ex. 30 days from print
Smartsource Coupon (goes straight to printing)
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$1 off any one package of Gold'n Plump All Natural Chicken
Ex. 30 days from print
If you don't see this coupon try zip 84123 (page 3 for me)

Thanks, Coupons4Utah!

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  1. MichelleA Says:

    The 1.50 one isnt working (for me anyways) :( Said I already printed it, not sure if I have but def. not recently.

  2. Steph Says:

    I printed two from mine and then printed it from my husband's computer. Sorry, Michelle. I wonder if it is gone already.

  3. MichelleA Says:

    Probly is... that was QUICK too I JUST barely missed out I think! :P

  4. Cheap Thrills Says:

    I got two 8/31 6:30 pm CST -- THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This was the only link in the blogosphere to work today. Keep trying.